Historic day for this Ringmaster that has amazed the world. Poetic juxtaposition, Barnum & Bailey pulls the plug...
Year: 2017
This taste of spring, how lucky I am to live in Nebraska. My quarter century on the Gulf...
Strip everything away and what is left to you? Your very core? The way you define you? ...
Jeremy Bentham, from the horse’s mouth, describes Utilitarianism as “the aggregate pleasure after deducting suffering of all...
Got to catch the Houston Half & Full on the Longhorn Network. Amazing finish in the men’s...
The Houston Marathon turns 45 on Sunday. The most important marathon in the country in January. Twelve...
Well folks, better bubble wrap your bananas if you are planning on traveling down to Nebraska City...
Yesterday I mentioned continuing education as a hallmark of Best Coaching practices. Another totem I insist on: Never expect...
Are you sufficiently lathered about getting into Lincoln? If not, better get your butt in gear! Of...