Our Nebraska Association is learning. Last moment efforts to put together a cross country champs indicating understanding of the Real Rules. Nothing has changed. Still the same message I’ve been hammering over knuckleheads for the last umpteen years. How it is to be done. Correctly. Up till now, it has been kill the messenger. But I’m staying out of this discussion. Lip zipped, with a close and critical eye.
A movement towards caring about our local association is afoot. Its programs and athletes. Talks between those that have the Best Interest of our sport before all else. Willing to listen and learn. Putting heads together instead of pitting them against one another. We can have differences and still do the good work we are charged with.
You can tell who these people are. They are the ones with the Positive Attitude and Message. Instead of name calling, daggers, sneers, and insults, they speak of what needs be done to make sure we Serve Best.
The Less I Say, The More My Work Gets Done. Ain’t it funny.