How tough is the Ni-Bthaska-Ke 12K Trail Run? I found out this morning it is Tough Enough...
I’ll first quote my old Houston homey and Olympic Marathoner Sean Wade who posited yesterday: “Celebrated national...
One of the best ways to care for our Good Mother is to repurpose things. Finding new...
Oh, the places I’ve been, the things I’ve seen. Running has brought more to me than maybe...
T-minus 11 days until beginning my long, slow return to Real running. This has been the longest...
The last three days were a figurative and literal whirlwind. An inauspicious start when a flat tire...
One of the funniest films I’ve ever seen. Also how I feel about my dear sweet Jedediah...
I moved to Lake Jackson, TX in 1992. During my first year there I measured 16 existing...
Fourth year in a row as Lead Biker for this morning’s Boys Town 5 Miler. Always the...
I was out for a nice little jog this morning, hey now two days in a row!...