A departure from my accustomed routine this morning. Early a.m. at the Millard West track, already 70...
Run Guru Says
My beloved Zorinsky Lake is starting to slowly fill again. I’ve been delighted to see waterfowl cavorting...
Mike has moved up to the top of Nebraska’s All Time list. Today’s column is dedicated to...
Always a Mate! But exactly what is a Mate? It depends on whom you ask but I’ll...
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Hardly know where to start today so I’ll just plunge right in: Had...
If you’ve got free time this weekend there will be no shortage of Track & Field viewing....
To borrow from Moby’s hit, “We Are All Made Of Stars”. We really are exactly the same...
I’ve cited marathonguide.com’s comprehensive look at our USA Olympic Marathon Trials qualifiers. I’m still wrapping my brain...
If you can’t stand the heat. Felt like an oven again this morning so backed the mileage...
Or Murse if you prefer the European androginization. Good news any way you shake it out. This...