Or, what I did during your commute to the cubicle. First things first, I have to...
Life is too short. Go, go, go. When there are a million things you want to do...
All quotes below from “The Exhilarations Of The Road” by John Burroughs “Afoot and in the open...
Long my favorite fresh roasted coffee bean. Certified organic and free trade. Wake up and smell it! Blockbuster...
“You mean, let me understand this…cuz I…..maybe its me…maybe I’m a little ****** up maybe. I’m funny...
Arghh! I’ve seen more and more virtual races popping up. Good for the genius that came up...
Throwback Thursday, the weekly game of catch and release and catch again. No permit required. Lake Clagus...
Run Free. Movie of that title, the documentary of Caballo Blanco, mystic and hero of BORN TO...
Our Nebraska Association is learning. Last moment efforts to put together a cross country champs indicating understanding of the...
Got a call from my protégé of the last 30 years, Andre Lejeune. He of the fabulous...