Saturday, February 14, 2015 Two Rivers State Recreation Area Waterloo, NE Thanks to eveyone for warming our...
I’ve referenced my old buddy Tom Cotner before. Head Coach of Club Northwest for umpteen years. Holds...
Caught the classic Boogie Nights a couple of evenings ago. Our mate Pete Kostelnick will be tearing...
Back in the early 90’s Dr. Clara Harris was my beautiful, Colombian accented, dentist. I always needed...
My dear departed mother had dozens of colloquilaisms. None except one fit to print in a public...
You can’t swing a stick through the weekend anymore without banging a half dozen or more “races”....
All set and ready to go tomorrow morning. Those that are fittest and hopefully fiercest. Ready to...
Running and Track & Field. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 1. Chase...
Proud and happy to have our Ni-Bthaska-Ke Trail Run t-shirt artwork honored by Runner’s World as one...
The newer, softer Will has waited and waited and waited. Long enough. Disclaimer: Today’s column in no...