Thanksgiving. I was born on the holiday in 1957. Annual childhood pilgrimage from Atwood, Il to Grandma Katie’s one bedroom...
Those Mom & Pops that are the backbone of every small town in the United States. People...
Gerry Lindgren. World Record in 1965, as a high schooler. 27:11 for 6 miles. His 13:44 5K...
Dear Lord, in the battle that goes on thru life I ask but a field that is...
There are enough hands to go around. Yourselves and them covered the last two days. Today I’m...
Following up on yesterday’s comments regarding the 71% increase in boys high school xc participation from 2001-2017. Today...
Its all about you. And you. And you. And you over there. And you over here. And...
A couple of good runs this past week left me with my highest mileage in perhaps a...
How we got here. Doesn’t matter any more. The fact is we are. The question now becomes...
I’m not sure how many of you were around when I moved here in 2001. I brought...