Yesterday I mentioned continuing education as a hallmark of Best Coaching practices. Another totem I insist on: Never expect...
Are you sufficiently lathered about getting into Lincoln? If not, better get your butt in gear! Of...
Our Rust Buster 5K on Saturday was well attended with 22 finishers. Doesn’t sound like much but...
How happy am I that young Seth Hirsch has been selected to represent the good ol US...
Now there’s a title to hang a column on! Life is living. Life is dying. It’s not the...
I think I’m getting a little soft and that’s ok. Spent a decade and a half hard...
For the last month and for the next couple the first thing I grab in the morning...
Climate change maybe? Consider the weather over recent weeks and you’ll find well above average temps. Excellent...
Epiphanous run yesterday. It was only two miles. Just in the nick of time, best run of...
Homage to George Michael’s iconic t-shirt. His rhythm and movement. Dance, primitive, sultry and seductive, that’s what his...