Data, data, data. Some very interesting, and a few amazing, statistics shine from Saturday. 115 finishers in...
So many stories! Let me roll it like this: Grant Wintheiser led Nebraska Run Guru Elite, Inc.,...
One hundred fifteen finishers in the 12K. 52 finishers in the 4 Mile. 19 Tough Little Mudders. ...
No I’m not talking about Mssrs. Wintheiser, Joerger, and Welp. My first complete physical since the late...
Amanda Lee, in for the race from Boulder, did a little preview run yesterday. “I have...
Race week! It’s taken 10 years but it looks like we should have some Horse Races this...
The busiest week of the year round here. Seedlings by the flat load, in the house, in...
Amazing race this weekend by my old buddy Sean Wade. Another World Record for 50+ males, this...
After reel to reel (does anyone remember those?) the best recorded sound comes from old LPs. Long playing. ...
A wealth of useless information is how it used to be described. Knowledge is never useless. Checking...