I’m watching the Adrian Peterson case with great interest. I’m on that thin line in this generational/cultural debate. Mom very often beat the hell out of me and promised more when my dad got home. She used whatever was closest, a tattered extension cord or section of bright orange hot wheels track usually her implement of choice. And that was easiest, when she was sober and predictable, it was much worse more often, with her regular friends CC & 7 exacerbating my youthful torment.
And after work, Dad marching me across West Forest Ave. to the huge weeping willow on the corner. I believe he dread those sad treads more than me. Select my branch that would be used to administer the butt whipping. Back across the street to the bedroom, drop my drawers to my ankles and hands against the door. If your hands came off to cover your butt it was another stinging lash added. Mom standing in the other doorway, making sure no slight missed, further satisfying her cruel nature.
It hurt the most watching my younger brother get his, both of us so small and powerless. And when the neighbor kids would gather around the windows to see the show. Entertainment hard to come by in a small Central Illinois farm town.
I always swore I’d never beat my kids. Promise kept. All three did have a turn across my lap at appropriate times however. One spank was all it ever took. The message was never about using power to intimidate with pain and fear. It was about Respect. Supplication the pudding of proof regarding understanding the Natural Order of the Parent/Child relationship.
Being a stay at home dad for 21 years gave me a special opportunity to teach my children, I hope I did it well. If you meet them in public and they are respectful, then I was successful.
Had a Good Time at Zip Line Brewing Company on Saturday. They hosted a 3 mile run that turned into a race for about 4 of us. Great beer and free swag too! And then 6.5 on the trails out at Lake Cunningham yesterday, peaceful easy running rounding out a near 40 mile week.
He raced him, I raced her.
Playing nice with everyone!