One of those column titles that spring out from the deep, dark, sleepless night.
Sometimes a column builds before the header, but most often the words are shaped by the banner.
Feathers. A good firm grip on the quill end will get you a lot of movement. Brushing and turning and guiding with the gentlest of efforts. All tickles and smiles. Getting things going in the right direction.
Cudgels. A solid hand on the end of a club is also effective. I used to swing that sucker roundhouse. Those that withstood the force rose to the very top.
But I missed some that way. Those that needed not the brute effort. Them that avoided the maelstrom.
Those that would rise and shine with just a breeze behind them. The barest of incite needed.
These Nebraska Run Guru Elite, Inc. athletes. All feathers.
Kyle Clouston took the top spot at Saturday’s Run For The Bridges 10 mile. Which was really 8.7 miles.
Colin Morrissey won the Shamrock Run 5K. Which was really somewhere between 3.35 and 3.45 miles.
Somebody fetch me my cudgel.