I like to use words not found in regular day to day conversation. The howling winds of the last 24 hours completely stripped the leaves off my Sunset Maple. And a lot of other trees in the area. Autumn colors now a memory.
And as the seasons change so too has the running landscape. A lot of runners have wrapped up their competitive seasons, but others are just getting started prepping for a winter marathon. You’ll still see them out in the cold and the wind and the dark, these cats are Serious.
They too have pared down to the essentials. No extra adornments or accoutrements, just the necessary functional items that allow us to handle the harsh Nebraska elements. That might be the latest technology, fabrics light and bright and wind proof and water proof.
This morning’s client is decidedly old school though. Steve made the trek from Ponca Hills (not Papillion) to an early morning date at Millard West. The Zen Mile on the breakfast menu, with a side of 20+ mph winds. He nailed the workout while adorned in cotton sweats. Not surprising that he is in my age group.
Race Directing 101. No matter how many times you put on an event, you can never anticipate everything that might hiccup. Its how you handle the glitches that indicates experience. I’m calm as a clam at high tide, cool as a cucumber, even though their was a Major anamoly yesterday. A couple of deep breaths, a little patience, and everything works out just fine. Gone is the overly excitable guy, retired for a more measured, even response. It never gets old though.
Thanks to my old buddy Mike for the Farm Fresh Eggs. So yummy.
Be sure and come by the Red Dirt Running Co. today from 10-6 for packet pick up and yep, registration for tomorrow’s 7th annual Swamp Stomp. The first race I created in Omaha and still one of my very favorites.