What a great turnout last night for our combined Bill Weeks Birthday Bash and Track Workout. We had a record 54 turnout for the paces and festivities. I say it all the time, but here is what I dig: 16 Team Nebraska athletes and the rest members of the general running/walking community that come to get their exercise on with our Team Nebraska outreach program. Celebrating the fellowship of fitness. Everyone Welcome!
Matters not your race, religion, politics, socio-economic strata, who you know, who you like, who you dislike, what your particular personal crisis may be. All the crap and chaos of our daily lives checked at the front gate. No rules (except no headphones!), no bouncers or administrators weighing in on moral turpitude. Everyone Welcome!
What is for certain is that each and everyone is there to support, encourage, cajole, motivate, inspire, and work hard! We all accept our own responsibility for what happens on the oval but achieve a greater good because of the group centered training towards the common goal of increased fitness. Everyone Welcome!
Not so very strange that we are able to pull of this delicate mix of Real & Social Training, creating a hybrid of those that dare aspire to personal excellence and potential realized. All laying their sweat and effort on the same oval. It’s the people that make it happen. Everyone Welcome!