A huge tip of the sombrero to the mother that turned her daughter over to police following the skinny dipping incident at Carter Lake. During a “bust” the young lady jumped in the lake and swam to, what she thought, safety. A three hour possible drowning search followed, using valuable resources and manpower. When mom found out about it she did the Right Thing. If only more parents were concerned with raising their children properly and less with preserving their “self esteem” and reputation the world would be a much better place. Sometimes the most necessary lessons in life are the hardest on all concerned.
My girls are the most important thing in the world to me. I’ve had a tough love approach for their entire lives. If your kids have never said they hate you, you are either lying or you gave them everything they ever wanted. They are after all, the center of their own universe. The beautiful part of life is that all children are redeemable. And they do grow up. And realize that the old adage is true “This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you.”
Hug your kids today, you bet. But keep their nose pointed in the Right Direction and they will love and respect you later and forever.