But first, Good Luck, Great Racing, and Giddyup! I’m looking forward to the sweat fest this Sunday, marathon, Cruel Mistress!
The 150 bulbs of garlic went in the first week of November with promise of pungency, now not long away.
The eight hives are a buzzin. They’re a tamer variety, smaller and golden in color. I am able to mow to within 10 feet without disturbing their beeful bliss.
Nevada and Muir head lettuces will be available beginning next week. These were started by seed and transplanted into the garden on March 22.
The first planting of potatoes are up and green but the real treasures are the tubers getting busy below.
We’ve installed stock tanks under each of our downspouts. Collected here, transferred 10 gallons at a time, by hand, back to the 55 gallon holding tanks next to the garden. Great upper body and core work. All of our produce is hand watered with rain.
Linda’s new toy will save valuable time mowing the acreage. I’ve borrowed my buddy’s bobcat to move final pieces with an eye on tripling production in 2016. Peace Love Work.
This week’s tally, everything except the Pattersons started from seed.
Into the Garden:
250 Patterson onion sets in.
72 turnip starts, Purple White Top, Shogoin, Golden Ball.
150 beet starts, Early Wonder, Golden Detroit, Cylindria, Early Wonder Tall Top, Detroit Supreme, Red Ace.
30 rows Painted Mountain Corn
14 rows Luscious Corn
13 rows Pay Dirt Corn
3 rows 4th of July Corn
6 rows Avicenna Lettuce
6 rows Nevada Lettuce
3 rows Crispino Lettuce
2 rows Triple Curl Italian Parsley
3 rows Single Plain Leaf Italian Parsley
24 pepper plants, Carmens, Highlander, Beaver Dam, Corno di Toro, Early Bird, and Yummy Blend.
15 eggplants. Traviatta and Fairy Tale.
1 bed kale, Maribor, Darkibor and Lacinato
1 bed Mizuna
1 bed Yukina
In the hoop house:
Blocked Swiss Chard, Golden, Rhubarb, Fordhook Giant, Lyon.
Blocked Collards, Champion and Georgia.
Blocked Big Red peppers
Blocked Jalafuego peppers
Blocked Joe’s Long Cayennes
Started 7 pots of marigolds
Transplanted 12 pots of zinnias
Tended 55 happy and healthy chickens. 25 will go to Duncan’s Poultry on Monday morning for processing. Chicken for a year, by my own hand. Was issued my State of Nebraska egg handling permit for the remaining layers, will be selling at market come July.
Hasta Lunes!