Just finished an easy 4 miler, this heat wave reminds me of the 20+ years I spent toiling in Texas.
And scorched earth. And how controlled burns, and even sometimes uncontrolled like they are experiencing out in Colorado (take care Jordo!) most often result in nature’s wonder reinvigorating what is left with a renewed/rejuvinated landscape. Yielding more beauty and variety than was previously present.
I’ve often been criticized for having a similar policy when it comes to my running ideals and associated programs. If not quite Sherman’s March to the Sea, a “If you’re not with me you’re agin me” attitude as the saying goes. I’ve leveled a few trees over the last decade.
But hark! I look around me now and see sprouts everywhere!
Certainly the Omaha Endurance Group is foremost on the Omaha scene. I’m noticing a few other programs too though. A hale and hearty group of trail runners has sprung up. Many of the local health clubs now have running groups. The emerging Lincoln Running Company team. A nice calendar of events at NEndruance, hosted by Adama Anderson. An ever growing social group built around several former mates. The continued sprawl of the Omaha Running Club. All positive signs that running is alive and well in Nebraska.
Sometimes you just have to turn up the heat to get things moving.
Tonight’s meeting at Millard West will definitely be a hot one. Bring your water bottles. If you’d like a cryptic hint: 104 100s!