Granting you that n=1 is no more, no less, than that. Sample of one. No scientific method, no double blind studies, a one off in every sense. Singularity. A blog.
The tension existing between the lines. Two Ways. Depends on whom you are and how you read it. Juxtaposition. Dichotomy. Duality. A blog.
The thread I weave throughout it all? Truth. Courage of Conviction. Words from the heart. Passion. A blog.
I’m occasionally flattered by readers, aw shucks. Those that like to check in on the daily muse and prose. Words. Putting them together in such a way as to realize the mission. And often to provoke without direct provocation. A blog.
Refining my craft every day. Still so very much to say. One person’s words. Two ways. A blog.