I’m obviously on a Latin kick the last couple of days. Today’s title means the spring and source. My source of words and wisdom has been uncharacteristically wanting yesterday and today. Those that know me best understand why I might be more than a little distracted from the daily joy of this column.
I’ve led a pretty sheltered life, having not had to deal with many of the typical problems of living. I’ve always held that as my purview and privilege from being dedicated to the service of others. For the first time in over a quarter century I’m now having to consider daily obligations as well as planning for the future. Unfamiliar territory is always a bit frightening. But I always knew I would need to head to the wilderness in order to become the man I was meant to be. Not the wilderness I had envisioned, no hewing of rough logs for shelter, no flint and twigs for fire, no trapping for food and clothing. The challenges perhaps all the more daunting carried out in the urban jungle, dealing with the fiercest of all creatures. I’ve taken the best shots from some formidable adversaries and know the battle rages on, it does wind down though, a better day ahead.
But many of the kindest creatures too, and that has been a blessing.
As with any spring, hope does raise, promise not to be denied. It is my true nature to be happy regardless of where I stand or where I land.
Thanks for letting me be my usual self, wearing my heart on my sleeve, not afraid to live life in full view, setting the example of how I believe life should be lived. To the fullest, even in the face of hardships, both expected and unexpected.
I’ll try and cheer things up for tomorrow.