Happy is a 2011 feature documentary film directed, written, and co-produced by Academy Award nominated film-maker Roko Belic. It explores human happiness through interviews with people from all walks of life in 14 different countries, weaving in the newest findings of positive pshychology.
*from Wikipedia
Linda & I watched this little gem of a movie last night. It explores the key to happiness, who has it, who doesn’t, what contributes and what detracts, and why.
The premise is that 50 percent of our happiness level is genetic. That is called our set point and is intrinsic in our human condition.
Employment, income, social status, life circumstnaces, age and health accounts for another 10 percent of our happiness.
The other 40 percent of our happiness is determined by intentional behaviour. These are things people can do regularly to make themselves happier. It is these factors that present the opportunity for us to really take charge of our lives, and this I have mastered.
What, oh guru, can these behaviours possibly be?
Not surprisingly exercise is one of the top decisions you can make to elevate your happiness quotient. Being outside, one with the Good Mother is another. And adding a little spice of variety to your daily routine. Being compassionate and service to others also contributes mightily.
The most important influence on happiness though, the one thing you can personally control, may be finding the right balance between your work and your personal life. So better choose something you love to do. After satisfying Maslow’s Basic Needs, money doesn’t make a whit’s difference in your Real Happiness. If you don’t like what you’re doing what is the point then?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. I conquered this pyramid long ago and have focused the last 3 decades on doing what really makes me the most happy.
Service to others will always remain at the top of my list, though the cast of characters may change and change again.
I’ll see some fruits of this service on the streets of Lincoln Sunday morning. The athletes that I have been working hard the last 6 weeks will achieve their own happiness with new and shiny personal bests. And that will make me a happy man indeed.
I’m also happy that I was able to get Luka Thor accepted into the Athlete Development Program for the USA 25K National Championships on May 11. ADP will now provide two nights hotel, meals, ground transportation, and a travel stipend to this most deserving young man. This is what I do. It makes me happy. No singlet necessary.
“Let us live happily, then, though we call nothing our own! We shall be like the bright gods, feeding on happiness” -Buddha
We’re happy and we know it (clap your hands!)
UPDATE: Peter van der Westhuizen is in the Men’s Mile field at the 2013 RUN San Diego meet at Balboa Stadium. Link provided to sign up for online broadcast.
Men’s Mile
Sign up here to watch RE:RUN San Diego!