But some things have stayed with me, deep. I still bristle when I feel wronged and don’t hesitate to stand up for what I believe in. People either respect that or they hate it. My brash, forward, insistent personality helps to hone either of those emotions to a fine edge. My friends find me to be fiercely loyal and tirelessly supportive. Those that choose the other side of the fence find no quarter and like all bullies are shocked that I willingly stand toe-to-toe against them. Walk Away! I think not!
The Big Blue Run will not be affected by the High Waters of the Missouri. The USATF Certified course (NE11010KU) is at 39′ elevation which is 10 feet above the projected crest. One of only a handful of certified 5Ks in Nebraska, a good chance to check where your training and fitness is on June 11. www.midwestprostatecancer.org/big-blue-run.html
Yesterday’s column “Fun No Fun” generated a lot of feedback, I’m glad that many of you turned an eye inward to see where your own joy juxtaposes with running. Most didn’t confuse Fun with enjoyment, fulfillment, friendships etc. This from the mailbag:
I have been thinking about what you said today about fun.
I have to agree with you that running isn’t fun. I have fun sometimes when I run but it’s not the act of running, it’s the friendship and what running in my life brings to me. There are times that I do run and feel happy – usually because I feel free, or it’s my drug that I use to clear my head. I know the days I don’t run, I’m no fun to be around (says ******). There are many things that people do that they deem fun, but are also a lot of work. I don’t think training for a marathon is fun, and I am not running this ultra because I think it’s fun. If you use the the definition of fun as amusing, entertainment, pleasure, and therefore not serious, then definitely NOT, running is not fun.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about why I run, especially when I’m out doing 20+ miles alone in the rain while I’m starving. It hurts, it’s lonely at times, and I think I’m pretty stupid. I’m not an athlete. I’m just some mother that thinks she wants to try this thing. I don’t think I ever felt alive until I ran, until I ran hard (until I met you and Linda). I never felt pain and mental anguish until I ran with a personal purpose and goal. I never thought I was tough enough… but I know I am now. To be alive is to feel things. I feel a lot of things towards running, but I agree, FUN is something you feel when you’re innertubing down a river holding a beer….”