Consistency is key, at least one of the most important components, to effective training. And Racing. Might not matter a whit to joggers but Real Runners know the value of the 6 day running week. I hadn’t abandoned the notion but the difficulty had become directly proportionate to the growth of the garden. The last few weeks have brought back this dimension that I’ve sorely missed, my daily run. Always such as it is, gladly accepting every ache and creak as reminder I’ve been at this for 36 years now. The very first step, its a doozy. I fairly trudge to the end of the driveway knowing it will be a good ten or more minutes before the requisite lubrications oil up the old joints.
But I feel the warm up come over me just as it has for three and a half decades. Fluidity. Syncopation of Respiration and Stride. Daily reminder that this Surely Must be Heaven on Earth. Feeling Most Alive. Moving through the world under my on locomotion and volition. Turning where I will, as I want. Knowing that each stride must be celebrated as it draws me (us all) one step closer to that ultimate finish line. Not taking a single step for granted. No, not at my age. Not even that first one, doozy that it is.