Racing. How we do love the challenges. From within. From without. Ask yourself this simple question: Do I prefer my challenges internal or external. Something to ponder on this Tuesday morning.
I made a Grand Tour of Douglas, Sarpy, and Cass counties on Sunday. Started with 10th annual Ni-Bthaska-Ke business at Platte River State Park. Flashbacks of 2010 and breaking my foot during the inaugural 4 miler.
Moseying back via Springfield. My dear sweet Linda and I reminiscing on the thousand and more miles we put on the Mo Pac. Over bridges and under shade trees. Falling in love without even knowing it.
Bringing Q street all the way West to Waterloo. Passing wide open spaces SW of Omaha proper. Thousands more miles on the rolling hills of that former Scenic Sarpy/Douglas dojo. Some of my favorite runs, far reaching Buena vistas at every turn.
Everywhere roads and trails beckon.
I feel it in my bones and flesh and very soul. Remembered Runs. To the Tiniest Detail. The Desire.
To Come Back.
To Run.
To Race.