Started to head out the door for an easy fiver this morning. A little over 11 yesterday, 8s and 6s now mostly coloring my daily log. Linda asked me who after all I was really trying to impress. She doubts not my huevos but also is a little smarter than I. We’ll go to the YMCA after this fine plate of farm fresh eggs and Brian Bergt’s divine swine.
Back to the road though. I have a temporal sweet spot that I prefer to run in. It doesn’t jive with Linda’s teaching schedule which has advantages as well as the obvious dis. Getting back into my Own Head, this space I’ve carried around full of wonder for 57 plus years. That cave of comfort, solitude and sanity. My noggin; my very best, honest, harshest, challenging, purging, creating, shining, inspiring, exhilarating training partner. Me.
And then Linda. And even when not training together, still there. Motivating me to do good work. Knowing that what I demand of myself will be mimiced by my macadam madam. While I enjoy the broad expanses she by necessity doing multiple tours in the more immediate scenery. My internal clock now in sweet tune with her pace, a glance out the window showing another and yet another pass. Finishing up with the very last of late winter’s light, but aha, gaining a minute or two each day!
Light. The ever so incremental, yet noticeable, glide away from Dark. Bringing new hope, new energy, new dreams, new promise. Let the Good Mother’s rythms be a part of your psyche and your training. And Giddyup!