The fifth edition in my “Man As” philosophical musings. Man As Pain. We all suffer. Some is unimaginable. Some is manageable. Some a mere distraction. Chronic. Acute. Dull. Throbbing. Some heart-rending. Some exquisite.
What we all share is pain. It shapes us to some degree. Influences our daily lives. Has the power to change us. Sometimes for the better.
When you see your fellow man consider his pain. Give him a hand. Lend him an ear. We all have pain.
Pain passes though. The human condition making us stronger and hopefully wiser for suffering.
And when we transcend the pain, the old hurts, the bruises, the aches, we see that we are not alone. That our fellows too have their own pain. And that should guide how we deal with them. Empathy. Sympathy. Camaraderie.
We are all in this together and having a kind heart is one of the only solutions for Man.