These are Professionals, do not attempt at home!
Pete Kostelnick of Lincoln is doing the amazing, the crazy, the impossible. He is setting the bar for every single “endurance” runner in the midwest. Every other run you read about this year will pale in comparison. So what’s he doing that has garnered my respect and admiration?
He’s running RAGBRAI. He has covered 313 miles in the last 5 days, another 52 on tap for today. And he’ll finish up tomorrow. Ultra, schmultra indeed!
My dear, sweet Allison finishes up classroom work at the Oregon Coast Culinary Institute on August 15th. A little over two weeks BEFORE her 19th birthday! She is academically at the top of her class and thus gets to have first choice for her externship. There have been offers from all over the U.S. including New York, Las Vegas, resorts, cruise ships, etc. She is leaning strongly towards being the pastry and baking chef for the Denver Broncos, I’m hoping that is her final decision as it would keep her close.
Rolling Stones! I spent yesterday moving 2 tons of field stones. But not just any field stones. I first found these and landscaped with them in 1991 in Joliet, IL. Moved them to Clute, Texas. Then to Lake Jackson, TX. And then to Cypress, TX. And then to Omaha. And now, finally to the Bar None. I would have to guess these are the most well traveled stones in the U.S. I used to be able to move them by myself, but no longer. A pair of 400 lb. pieces of granite had me stymied yesterday and so big thanks to the strongest guy in Omaha. He made it look like child’s play. This cat trains up for Strongman competitions, I’ve seen him pull cars, throw kegs, run with a tree on his back, etc. And if I can’t whup you, he certainly can. Dan Kunasek. Yeah, he’s Linda’s brother and is a man’s man. Glad he’s got my back. And my stones.
Big propers to our Wednesday Night Track Work stalwarts. Gina finished 5th overall at the Omaha Triathlon. At 49 a real studette that has made Great Progress over the last 90 days. And let’s talk personal bests for a moment. Tammy ran the Gretna Days 5 Mile in 37:41, a 3 minute pr! Jeff also ran Gretna finishing in 35:07 a 2 minute pr. This is how we do it!
Finally thanks to my buddy Andre for sharing this John Wooden quote: “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is what others think you are.”