According to this morning’s OWH, The Nebraska Regional Poison Center has over a dozen cases of people ingesting gasoline as they attempt to steal via siphon, from gas tanks. An old trick my dad taught me as a very young boy. If the yard needed mowed and there was no fuel in the tank he’d tell me to get the Oklahoma Credit Card and take some out of the truck. It only takes one mouthful of gasoline to learn the correct way to pull this off.
I mentioned my old buddy Tony Reavis yesterday and he is shown again this morning in the photo below. Tony did a series for ESPN way back in the day called “Running & Racing”. The series covered every major road race in the United States, was broadcast every two weeks, and had me riveted for the couple years it showed. I’ve got almost every episode on VHS, some real treasures in there.
Flotrack is carrying the KU Relays live all weekend. I got to see Wayne State’s John Kerns win a very exciting 10000 meters last night, a real WOW performance. Still can’t find the official results though.
I’ve received dozens of emails regarding Monday’s Boston Marathon. Some very well thought out, a few rants from Captain Smarty Pants.
In an amazing bit of prescience, Lets Run guru and renowned coach John Kellog actually predicted a 2:03 performance. Here is his quote from yesterday:
My old buddy Desiree Davila at the Boston Marathon post race party.