The fast has broken. Ten days in the wilderness, searching for personal truths. As soon as I...
My first column under this banner appeared March 4, 2011. Today marks the 1088th column during that...
Spent much of Monday morning in the bowels of Omaha, 16th & Capitol, the IRS office. No...
My dear sweet Katie turns 18 today. I was 39 when she was born and wondered how...
The running world shook off some winter blues this weekend, like this: Beranard Lagat set a masters...
Saturday, February 14, 2015 Two Rivers State Recreation Area Waterloo, NE Thanks to eveyone for warming our...
I’ve referenced my old buddy Tom Cotner before. Head Coach of Club Northwest for umpteen years. Holds...
Caught the classic Boogie Nights a couple of evenings ago. Our mate Pete Kostelnick will be tearing...
Back in the early 90’s Dr. Clara Harris was my beautiful, Colombian accented, dentist. I always needed...
My dear departed mother had dozens of colloquilaisms. None except one fit to print in a public...