Where do 2800 ugly Santa’s park their reindeer? At the Finnish Line! On the fifth day...
Time, the greatest gift of all. When giving it, when taking it away. This Christmas season please...
On this First Day of Christmas my true love gave to me, A Flash 5K That Is...
We all have our own spectrum of excellence. Deep inside it is there. Citius, Altius, Fortius! Faster! ...
NEBRASKA run guru. We are pleased to announce a major change! An easy and natural transition. ...
A small group of us set up the USA Track & Field Club Council back in 2002,...
Well howdy! The little running $tore in Lincoln will be well repre$ented in $pokane for thi$...
Nothing new under the sun? Don’t bet on it. Another corruption of my beloved sport has taken...
Every Real Runner chases that one mark that they will carry long after the finish line. Personal...
Gun Times. Tiffany Costello (2:45:01) and Hayley Sutter (2:45:07) for the gals. Sean Swift (2:19:08), Alex Taylor...