Front page of the OWH this morning. “City Could Reach for Waterloo” Travis Harlow is Village Board...
Below is Colin Morrissey’s 2017 LDR Report. Submitted at this past Sunday’s USATF Nebraska Association meeting. From...
Sometimes hard for me to keep up with all our mates. I caught this over the weekend-...
Our numbers have slowly increased over the last 10 years. The organization has withstood every effort to sabotage,...
Three days last week including a cross country workout. Maybe not Lazarus but I do feel like...
Maintaining the preferential theme. I sat among legends last night. Derek Fey invitedCraig Christians, Roxi Erickson and...
Choice. A good adjective and noun. Selections based on subjectivity. Personal preference. Take a look at the roads. ...
Founder (2002) and tireless champion (15 years now) of the USATF Nebraska Association LDR Program. Founder Team...
Hosted a club run/breakfast yesterday. Pretty good turn out. Jay Welp is undefeated at less than half marathon...