I think I’m getting a little soft and that’s ok. Spent a decade and a half hard...
For the last month and for the next couple the first thing I grab in the morning...
Climate change maybe? Consider the weather over recent weeks and you’ll find well above average temps. Excellent...
Epiphanous run yesterday. It was only two miles. Just in the nick of time, best run of...
Homage to George Michael’s iconic t-shirt. His rhythm and movement. Dance, primitive, sultry and seductive, that’s what his...
Speaking of Race Directors. He’s a good fella with all the best intentions. Renowned however for getting...
Another thought provoking title I hope. Two ways to look at it. Here’s One Way. There are...
Hope everyone got just what they deserved yesterday. Two of mine and Linda’s pair making it out...
Christmas two ways! CHRISTMAS AT THE WORTHINGTONS 4D, HD Ultra Curve Spoiled Tommy Has some nerve 80...
For those that have it all, more of the same. For those lacking, your needs be met....