Congratulations to the LRC Racing fellas, their 13th place finish at Club Cross Nationals the best ever by a Nebraska team. Nolan Zimmer leading his mates finishing 87th overall. Besting the KC Smoke and Iowa RunAblaze, bragging rights hard won. The LRC lasses finished 19th as a team.
The Hitchcock Experience 100 Mile, 50 Mile, and 13.1 mile was held over the weekend in the Loess Hills. Running an ultra in these conditions, multiple tips of the sombrero to all the finishers.
Racing will be slim for the next few weeks. Coming up next will be the Rust Buster 5K on January 4th. We’ve got some neat awards lined out and are looking forward to hosting everyone looking to keep resolutions, fitness, and motivation.
Working on my 2019 Christmas Classic! Fifteenth annual, the last thing to do after setting out Santa’s milk and cookies!