Yesterday’s hard 20 miler had me moving slowly and stiffly during this morning’s warm up. With a scheduled 20 X 400 (:45 recovery), I was wondering how in the world I would get the old legs to open up at all. A slow 3 miles with several stops to stretch out followed by just a handful of pickups and it was time to go. I decided I wouldn’t worry at all about the times, just relax and let the times be what they may. The first 5 went much better than I thought possible (1:38-1:40), the next 5 the legs were starting to loosen up (1:37-1:38), the next 5 I started to flow (1:36-1:37) and the final 5 I concentrated on relaxing (1:34-1:35). I explained to Linda that there was no conscious effort to increase or push the pace as the workout progressed. More that by relaxing and eliminating tension, you naturally run faster, even when nearing exhaustion, which we definitely were.
Did this workout at Parque Estado Dos Rios ( Two Rivers State Park). I’ve laid out marks every quarter mile (using my Jones Counter) around the 1.5 mile inside loop of the park. Nice and flat, no traffic, and the added bonus of being able to cold soak the legs in Lake #4 post workout. And by the way, they were slaying the trout out there this morning.
Our mates are getting ready to roll into the Windy City for this weekend’s Shamrock Shuffle 8K Elite Team Competition. Many thanks to my old buddy and Elite Athlete Coordinator Jeremy Borling for providing a couple of rooms at the host hotel, right on the start line. David Adams, Luka Thor, Matt Pohren, Matt Schneider, and John Kern will look to bring home the biggest chunk of the substantial prize money available. Giddyup!
Peter vd Westhuizen won his Yellow Pages 1500 meters last night. He led wire to wire in a nice 3:38.61 (about a 3:54 mile for our metrically challenged readers).
Team Nebraska’s Omaha Endurance Group will have another Spring Bonus Wednesday track workout tonight at Millard West, 6:00 pm. And as always, a celebratory pint at the Upstream Brewery following. Can’t wait to hear the tales from last Saturday’s Blarney Stone successes.