So much news, so few column inches.
Catching up on last weekend’s extended racing schedule, Amber Sargent repeated at the Hickman Animal Run, almost a minute and a half faster than last year.
Our USATF 100 Mile Trail Champs were contested at Rocky Raccoon down in the Lone Star State. Nebraska’s newest USATF club, Nebraska Ultra Trails made their national champs debut with Tim McGargill (28th, 21:12:41) and Jason Zakaras (29th, 21:12:42) representing our Nebraska Association.
Tim, Jason, Ivan Marsh, Brian Wandzilak, and Neil Wolford, Nebraska Ultra Trails. Welcome! Some competition to challenge NRGE’s enjoyment as the top club within those disciplines.
See how this works? Build something great, crow loudly, and they will come. Not my first rodeo y’all. Competition is good mmmmmkay!
Tim and Jason.