I was running some fields out behind Joliet Jr. College in 1991 and noticed what seemed to be a wall, overgrown with weeds (worst case of poison ivy ever, but that’s another tale). I ran up and inspected the nearly quarter mile “structure” and found it to be a massive amount of field stones. Had my eye on some nice pieces of granite. Another run about a month later some cat was tossing rocks into the back of a pickup. I queried and was told the stones were cleared from the surrounding fields by Confederate prisoners during the Civil War. Dude owned the property and had just sold it to developers (now called Rock Run, how sweet). Said the new owners were going to dig a big hole and bulldoze them in, invited me to get as many as I could in the next week. So I did. Hundreds. Hardscaped the house and it looked boss.
Headed to Texas in 1992, the moving company HQ out of Minnesota called and asked what the heck was with the request to move a couple dozen of the biggest and best. My reply, “They’re historical artifacts.” So they did. All the way to temporary digs in Clute, Tx. Then on to Lake Jackson, Tx. And then Cypress, TX. And on up to my former swanky digs in West O is the Best O. And you guessed it, out to the Bar None. I swore it was their last move.
Until yesterday. I’ve spent the last two days picking out the ones these feeble old arms can still manage and moving to interim storage out at the 2Lazy2 Ranch. Where there’s a Will there’s a Way.
Meaning they have one more, and this time I mean it (!), move to our next landing spot.
These clock in around 200 pounds.
This one and its twin around 350. I’m getting too old for such shenanigans!