I used to be so full of Hubris (sh*t) that I proudly proclaimed I’d never change a thing about my life. I’ve finally grown enough to accept, without remorse, that I could have and should have done a few things slightly different. But then again that would be tinkering with Fate and whatever trails brought me to my dear sweet Linda were worth the traverse after all.
And to this Fine Point in my life. At least in this season, doing exactly what I want and feel the need to do. Working with runners. Working for runners.
Last night drove that point home and this morning really capped it off.
The dozen runners that showed up for Wednesday Night Track Work rewarded me by paying the difficult toll demanded. Four different workouts going on simultaneously. Kyle capping his arduous evening with the last four 200 meters all at :32. Ready for a personal best at next weekend’s Lincoln Mile, our USATF Nebraska Association Championship. Jessica hitting her 1 Mile effort at 9:40 and then backing it up with a 2 Mile in 18:35, no less impressive to the group. Everyone pushing toward the searing satisfaction of complete Honesty. And Linda’s Kids Fit Program, sponsored by Gretna Family Health, chock full of little munchkins getting some fun and fitness on.
We’ve been sharing the track with the Omaha Racers. http://omaharacers.webs.com/coaches.htm Head Coach Leigh Officer has been kind and courteous allowing our faster runners the use of lane 1, and we in turn have reciprocated as necessary. The combined attendance at the track must surely turn heads along Q St.
Which leads me to why I’m feeling in my Sweet Spot this morning. I was approached by a woman at the Boystown 5 Mile. Asked me to consider working with her two boys as they get ready for the Junior Olympics in Des Moines at the end of this month. We had our first session this morning, at a location that will remain a mystery to prying eyes. Eight years and eleven years old. Their heroes? Steve Prefontaine and Seth Hirsch. Their goals? The Truth.
I’ve seen the way some kids are handled on the track. Badgering, berating parents. Pushing, pushing, hollering and always with the more pushing and the more hollering. Yeah, that’s some way to keep your kids in the sport. Or not.
I’m using a completely different tack with my two young charges. Bringing the benefit of my 30+ years of knowledge into the next 3 weeks. Positive imagery, encouragement, finesse.
Handling their young flames with kid gloves so as to not burn them out. Or injure them. After the interview process with mom I was nearly sure she’d opt out, I had even recommended the Omaha Racers as a fine alternative. But she reads this column and recognized that this is what she believes is best. I thank her and the boys for their confidence. And can’t wait for Des Moines.
Rest in peace Luis Zamperini. Can’t wait to read your biography and see your movie!
Picked dark cherries off the tree yesterday afternoon and my lover baked me a pie last night. That’s what I’m talking about!