Wow! I did a survey of salary ranges for Executive Directors of Nebraska Not For Profits. Average is $50,000.
Wait a minute! You mean I’ve been doing this the last fifteen years for free?
How do I monetize my efforts? More importantly, how would others monetize my efforts?
My only payment, the development of the athletes I work with, the progress of the program I founded.
I made a point to our club president recently. Outside of my USATF Level I coaching certification fee and annual renewal of USATF membership I have never spent a penny on myself from the sponsorships I’ve developed and secured, whether with Team Nebraska or Nebraska Run Guru Elite. In over 15 years of service.
Not a penny for my vision and labours. Would you do this? Why or why not?
Linda and I hosted our first annual Bar None Holiday Market this past Sunday. Big thanks to everyone that came out and supported us.
Better part of a day spent managing our USATF XC Champs and representing our club at the USATF LDR meeting. For the love of the sport.