Proud and happy to have our Ni-Bthaska-Ke Trail Run t-shirt artwork honored by Runner’s World as one of the Top 10 Best in the U.S. Pairs well with Business Insider Magazine’s designation as one of the most challenging trail runs in the U.S. And a nice bracket personally as my Run For The Arts Poster (by Christopher Cudworth) was similarly recognized by RW a decade ago.
Thanks to Beth Kavan for the submission, this is what keeps me in the business:
Original artwork credited to Mark Weber, aka locally famous troubadour Shakes Rockwell. An amalgam of a photo from 2006, Mark drug the mud to correspond with the elevation graph, so graciously provided by the impeccable garmin of my former director of road race operations, Jody Green. She parlayed that experience into an executive role with the Goatz, they’re lucky to have her.
Quite the token of esteem to be included in the above list. Also included is one of my oldest and dearest colleagues, Hank Brown. His “Haunted Half 13.1” in Kingsport, TN also made it. Hank and I spent over a decade tramping about the U.S. conducting our National Championships program. Insiders tip: He got all the nice knocks, I got the hard ones.
Hank served in most of the same national capacities as I did, with hair and a better smile. His road race management chops include the Crazy 8s 8K Run. Crazy 8s is home of the womens’ 8-kilometer world record (Asmae Leghzaoui, 24:27.8, 2002), and held the men’s world record (Peter Githuka, 22:02.2, 1996), until it was broken in 2014.
Grand Prix prize money update: I contacted our Association President yesterday morning. Laid things on the table. Three months condensed into a single phone call. Expect your checks, hopefully by week’s end. Can you dig it?
This poster was a Top Ten choice back in the late 90s. Even though the race was held on the Gulf Coast of Texas it had a decided midwestern feel, testament to Cudworth’s roots in Illinois.