Following up on yesterday’s column, because of its importance as an educative opportunity.
USATF Sanctioning has historically been an option for USATF LDR events, the exemption being as long as the event has bona fide insurance to protect the principals (venue, directors, athletes), the event and its marks were deemed acceptable. Last week’s revelation that USATF Sanctioning is a requirement for Trials Qualifying events is the first I had ever heard of it. I could rail and rant and whine all day about how I disagree with that, but in fact I don’t disagree.
If you don’t agree with the rules there are proper channels for bringing them to the table. You don’t ignore them or publicly announce they don’t matter and you won’t follow them. I have taken the proper course by contacting our national office, Veronica Rodriguez, Events and High Performance Manager, and Jim Estes, Director of Events and Retail Operations. My issue is not so much with the rule per se as much as the fact that the rule was not properly disseminated in a timely manner to event directors.
When I rode herd over the USA Women’s LDR National Championships I sat in on those meetings, was architect or at least privy to exactly this type of thing. Often decided behind closed doors in Executive meetings, along with hundreds of other considerations. All in favor, aye, opposed same sign. Next.
But it is what comes next that is just as important as what was decided. You’ve got to get the word out in such a way that it benefits our athletes. And it didn’t happen this time. But it is out there.
As someone who has been involved with USATF for nearly 20 years at the highest levels, it should not be difficult for me to keep up on these things. If I encounter problems, how in the world can a novice or casual administrator be expected to be abreast of the current set of rules?
Try harder. Try harder, because Zach Hine matters. I don’t know that I’ll have a resolution in my favor, but I’ll try and hard.