I’ve gotten a lot of emails and conversation over my position concerning Boston. Some people got it spot on, others, not so kind, and a few simply idiotic.
The bombings will Never Define Boston for me. Never. I’m sick of the endless bandwagon tragedists with their sayings and slogans and t-shirts and wrist bands, all showing support for the marathon, many to most of whom have never even been. How chic to sport your blue and yellow themed bauble, evidence that you are empathetic and sympathetic and supportive. Determined to show the world and especially the running world that Boston means so much to you.
Attempting via a single horrific act of terrorism, to redirect the consciousness of the World’s Greatest Marathon.
No way Jose. Those of you that insist on focusing on anything other than the Race itself are missing my point completely. Boston is the Mecca of Racing, not only to the U.S. but to the world. If you let last year define this year or any other year, in a way the terrorists achieved their purpose.
My love and appreciation for the Boston Marathon goes far beyond a single year. My own rich history with the race but a blip. We are after all, temporary and bit players in the grand scheme of things. The 2013 chapter of Boston will always be, and appropriately so, remembered with a poignancy, unwanted and foisted by fate. Their will be numerous and appropriate and solemn times over the next few days. As there should be. But after all is said and done, let’s return the race to the people of Boston and to the athletes that are there for the most important day of their running lives. One hundred eighteen years of history the bedrock of Running and Racing. As it always was, as it always should remain.
More tomorrow.