I would like to suggest that it is never too early to start planning your 2022 running schedule.
Save the date! Saturday May 14th, 2022! Valley ONE Marathon, Half & 5k
Valley 1 Marathon and Half Marathon bills itself as “The World’s Flattest Closed Road Marathon!” With a mere 32′ of total elevation gain the course did not disappoint. Both the full and half courses are World Athletics Federation Certified and are specifically designed to allow athletes to “Run To Your Potential!” Runners from around the U.S. and beyond gathered on April 24th and enjoyed the 13.1 mile loop(s) of asphalt country roads in western Douglas County. Resulting in some of the finest road racing performances in Nebraska history. Valley 1 was also honored to host the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Selection Race for Ambulatory Athletes.
The World Athletics Federation Certification yielded eleven state soil records as follows: Rory Linkletter established Men’s 5K (14:18), 10K (29:00), 15K (44:27) 20K (1:00:29) and Half Marathon* (1:03:57). Stephanie Bruce rewrote the records for women’s 5K (16:13), 10K (32:34), 15K (49:23), 20K (1:06:19) and Half Marathon (1:09:55). * Dominic Korir would drop the half marathon record to 1:03:45 just 8 days later at the Lincoln Half Marathon.
The top 10 men in the half were under 1:07 and the top 8 women were under Pasca Meyer’s previous state best of 1:14:54 (2019 Lincoln Half Marathon.)
Vianey De La Rosa (2:30:02) took over 12 minutes off of Roxi Erickson’s state soil record of 2:42:45 set way back at the 1996 Lincoln Marathon. Adam Bohach ran 2:27:52 for the win and bragging rights for fastest marathon in Nebraska for the year (so far!) The Men’s state soil record in the marathon is Phil Coppess’ 2:16:30, 1985 Lincoln Marathon.
Valley 1 Marathon and Half Marathon are excited to host runners of all abilities again Saturday May 14th, 2022!
Valley 1 Marathon and Half Marathon are wholly owned and operated by Nebraska Run Guru, a 501 (c) 3 not for profit that administers events throughout the year to provide healthy lifestyle opportunities for youth and adults.