This is the toughest day of my near 40 year career in road race management. Had to pull the plug on the Nebraska Trail Run and Valley 7 Lakes. Both will be rescheduled this year with the guidance from the proper authorities. My heart goes out to all runners that have been training for your spring half or full marathon, no matter where your start line was painted.
Nebraska Run Guru Elite, Inc. fully supports these public health directives.
You are fit as a fiddle. What to do, what to do? Take a deep breath. Take another. Make a mental checklist of all those niggling injuries, those minor daily irritants that have had your attention. The ones you’ve promised to address as soon as your race was in the rear view. Now is the time. Forget that last long run, cut it back by half. You just don’t need it. If you need to fill your clock put some time in the saddle or the pool. Everything you do now will only make you stronger.
What to do, what to do two: Realize you are at a plateau of fitness. Make this your new baseline. Go back to the roots of your cycle or program. Like springtime, begin anew. Reevaluate and reconcile your competitive goals to your improved running fitness. Reset and proceed.
What to do, what to do three: Capitalize on your fitness. With only weeks until your designated effort you have the opportunity to put in honest efforts at shorter distances, the mile, 5K, and 10K. Go to the track and give it a go. Challenge yourself with a time trial.
What to do, what to do four: Take a break. I always teach my athletes to take 10 days off from running after their marathon. With the social distancing recommendations it might be a good time to catch up on Schitt’s Creek. Or write a letter. Or entertain those kiddos.
What to do, what to do five: Ask yourself, What to do? What to do?