I would have never dreamed of stepping into a thrift shop when I was a West O’holean. Craig’s List was only No Frills. Wouldn’t have discovered Carharts. Never exhilarated with the thrill of The Big Hit. I was hooked the first time I found that absolute steal. A wind chime obvious in its Native American origin, found I’ll not tell where at an unusual thrift along some lost highway in western Nebraska. I was dreaming its ancient sounds as it hung in the stillness of the shop, wondering if I had the money for such a treasure. Remembered the unused wad of Attention Deficit money, considered a fair price and made ready to offer up to $50. Paused and asked how much. The abuelita behind the counter asked “How about 2 dollars?”
Circuitous route to my latest find. A 16′ X 4′ X a couple hundred pounds original slate chalk board. From an old school in Wahoo, off Craig’s List for $25.
I’m a big picture guy. If I can see, or dream a story or tableau in its entirety, execution is easy. Its when I have to use these up and down arrows or scroll buttons that I tend to lose myself. Personal foible. The chalkboard will hang in the barn and on it will be described a well thought out approach to everything from seed starting to transplanting to projected maturity and harvest and on to the canning jars or freezer.
The point is you too should have a big picture when it comes to your training and racing for 2014. If you’ve a calm mind (don’t drown daily in post it notes and lost reminders) you might not need to present the entire year at a glance. But it would certainly benefit you still to sit down and plan out your year. Macro cycle, meso cycle, micro cycle. Periodization. Peak Performances. Personal Bests.
Chalk it up to experience.
NRGE Honorary Member Gerry Lindgren battles Steve Prefontaine. My old buddy is still kicking it in Waikiki.